19 September, 2009

- You can’t compare Harper to Diefenbaker or Mulroney, especially to explain away Harper’s exceedingly ‘modest background’.

excerpt submitted to: Ignatieff must reach average Canadians, STEPHEN MAHER LETTER FROM OTTAWA , Sat. Sep 19 - 4:46 AM

But both John Diefenbaker, Brian Mulroney were ‘Big’ (although, I never liked Mulroney and too young to have liked or disliked Diefenbaker). Both were part of a political party, the Progressive Conservatives Party of Canada, that had a long and proud history in the contribution to the building of a nation – i.e., Canada. Harper is small, has no history to look upon with pride, conducts himself and his politics, both domestically and at the International level, in a mean, petty, ‘small’ fashion. Harper feels he must hide what he stands for from the general public (and he’s right-on in that matter).

When did Diefenbaker or Mulroney, as part of their general approach regarding debate in Parliament, ever so insult honourable members of the Opposition in Parliament in lieu of answering serious questions on matters of national importance, and to their face (for example calling Bob Rae a ‘left wing incompetent’ – as set out in Queens University, The Journal, 18 Sep.’09, “… During Question Period on Monday, [Harper] called Bob Rae a “left-wing incompetent.” I don’t care whether the man is or isn’t competent—you’re the Prime Minister. Act with a modicum of dignity, please …”, http://www.queensjournal.ca/story/2009-09-18/opinions/raising-political-bar/).

When did Diefenbaker or Mulroney ever launch such attack ads with such raw emotional venom, and total disregard for the truth (as per Tom Flanagan).

When did Diefenbaker or Mulroney ever hide from the general public what they really stood for.

Harper’s aim is to minimalize Canada, dismantle our great nation to the great detriment of all Canadians and to favour a few. His approach is to incite his core supporters with emotional attacks on his ‘enemies’ with total disregard for truth and the good of our nation.

The fact is that the Conservative Party is not the Progressive Conservative Party of Canadian history and Harper is not part of it – just ask Brian Mulroney who didn’t even mention Harper’s name at the ‘fence mending’ gala for Cons and PC’s held the other night, which just so happens, Harper was unable to attend, surprise, surprise.

There is nothing wrong with ‘taking the high road’ and there is nothing wrong with having a background that any leader in a modern, open, tolerant, democracy, would envy, except, perhaps, one with an extreme, right wing agenda, and who applies the ‘propaganda’ approach of appealing to core supporters with emotion and not reason, disregarding the truth.

All Canadians ought to take a close look at Harper’s background. As I suggested to Kelly McParland last week “Perhaps you can post Harper's Resume next to Ignatieff's Resume and let Canadians compare.

Get rid of Harper and his Con’s.