10 September, 2009

- Lets get rid of Harper and the Con's as soon as possible.

Posted to: PM parries 'hidden agenda' attack, Ottawa — The Globe and Mail
Last updated on Thursday, Sep. 10, 2009 01:08PM EDT

Certainly then we may proceed as a country with openness and pride as is right and proper.

Everyone in Canada ought to stop and reflect on the fact that we have a Prime Minister who refuses to talk publicly about getting a majority for fear of severe voter backlash. He will only talk about it behind closed doors to incite core supporters.

What is that telling us about Harper and what he stands for (or in this case doesn't stand but hides).

Certainly our Prime Minister ought to by proud of what he represents and openly profess it and encourage voters to support him in his objectives.

Instead we have Harper hiding what he truly stands for out of fear that when people see him and the Con's for what he, and they, really are, right wing extremist ideologues, they will drop him like a hot potato.

Is this really what Canada is all about - our National Dream.