30 September, 2009

- Harper and the Con's Economic Quackery

excerpt posted to: GDP reaction, ‘There’s no spark in our economy, Wednesday, Sep. 30, 2009 11:53AM EDT

So once again Harper and the Con's are saying steady as she goes, we know what we're doing, leave everything to us, our strategy is working, we have put Canada in a better position than the other world economies.

And once again, the realities, at the very least, do not support their position and, in fact, indicate the opposite.

Harper and the Con's can not be basing their plans and predictions on anything real since the realities dictate the opposite of what they are claiming.

It is very difficult to see that Harper and Flaherty would not know that the all the sectors, especially the utilities including oil and gas, where their power base is centred were down and the only one up was manufacturing. If they knew then they deliberately hid this information.

If they did not know then what are they doing "leading our country out of the recession".

And, if they did not know then how could they, in any honesty, say that things are stabilized and will improve with them at the helm.

Clearly, as with everything else, Harper and the Con's are not basing their policies on the realities but only upon their extreme right wing ideology.

What do we have to do to get the truth from Harper and his Con's. What is really happening with the stimulus money. What good does it do to approve an project that won't start for 6 - 8 -12 months or even years. What about the 100's of thousands of jobs that are going to be lost in the next 6 - 8 - 12 months. What about all those people whose EI has run out and will be running out in the next 6 - 8 - 12 months.

Best we get rid of Harper and the Cons.

Having an election this Fall may seem undesirable. But, any hurt is minimal compared to the disastrous effects likely of not so doing over the next year, especially to so many individuals and families - and that's what its all about. It is comparable to someone diagnosed with cancer. Denial does nothing but put off taking action. Following views that are ideologically based and not based in sound science and reality, in a word, Quackery, deceives us into thinking everything will be ok, and so not only delays taking real action but prevents us from facing our situation and taking real effective action, until it is too late.