16 May, 2012
The 'Harper doesn't give a rat's a[redacted]s about Canada' paradigm
Submitted: 9:42am (PDT) 16 May '12
Chinese firm's Canadian contracts raise security fears, Barred by the U.S. and Australia, tech giant Huawei makes inroads in Canada By Greg Weston, CBC News, May 15, 2012 11:58 PM ET http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/05/15/pol-weston-huawei-china-telecom-security-canada.html
Perhaps Stephen Harper feels since he is able to successfully hide his secrets and what he is doing from the Canadian people that he will be able to hide Canada's secrets to from hackers.
Here's a new flash Stevo
It's just not the same thing.
You may be able to close the doors of Parliamentary Committees by declaring the meeting 'in camera'.
However, try as you might, declaring sensitive computer files as 'in camera' won't cut it Steve.
As Michel Juneau-Katsuya, security expert and former member of Canada's spy service, is quoted
"Unfortunately, the PMO is very nonchalant when it comes to security, . . . They have an agenda, a political agenda … and they disregard some of the warnings coming from the official agencies."
You've got that right Michel, morally and politically.
In fact, it is a very insightful observation, one obviously well foundationed, which makes one wonder if it doesn't reflect the CSIS profile on Harper - ie. The Harper doesn't give a rat's a[redacted]s about Canada paradigm.
The real problem here is that Harper has his own agenda and we gave him the keys to the vault by electing him.
Harper's attitude is he is going to implement his right wing extremist agenda and Canada and Canadian be dam[redacted]ed.
After all, we elected him with a majority as to the victor go the spoils and we must learn to live with that.
It's just that simple.
Harper simply doesn't care about the overall damaging effect that his policies will have in the long run to Canada not only our economy, and the environment but to the country as a nation, our Democracy and our social fabric, and that it is our children and our children's children that will be required shoulder this withering burdened,
Why would he give a rat's as[redacted] about something so cloudy as our national security and that of our closest and longest standing allies.
Mulcair and the NDP can do all they want
But unless:
Canadians decide to stand up for themselves and be counted and let it their opinions be known that this maybe Right but it is not right (morally).
that this is not what our forefathers gave their blood, sweat and tears building this great nation of our for.
that this is not what we want to leave for our children and our children's children.
Lloyd MacILquham cicblog comments