02 October, 2011

- Mulcair - Liberal Leader - I Must Be Dreaming

Posted: 1:01 PM on October 2, 2011 (TO time)
Mulcair concedes he faces uphill battle in NDP leadership race, daniel leblanc, Globe and Mail, Sep. 21, 2011

submitted: 10:19am (PDT) 2 Oct.'11
Paul Dewar to join NDP leadership race, CBC News, Oct 2, 2011

I think it is a question of priorities with the NDP.

If the top priority is winning the next election I don't think there is much doubt that with Thomas Mulcair the NDP could possibly do it.

If their priority is, instead, maintaining and supporting the status quo, emphasis on ideology, winning the election not a consideration (i.e. business as usual), then Brian Topp

To me Mulcair is more Liberal leader material, Brian Topp NDP.

The Liberals should be chomping at the bit at the opportunity to woo Mulcair over and Mulcair should be giving such serious consideration.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html