04 October, 2011

- Finally, The Antidote to Con'ism - Take A Pill, oh, Sorry, I Meant Mushroom

Posted: 10:01am PDT, 4 Oct.'11
"Magic mushrooms can cause long-term personality changes" adriana barton, Monday, October 3, 2011 8:45PM EDT

Finally (unfortunately too late for the last election), The Antidote to Con'ism - Take A Pill, oh, Sorry, I Meant Mushroom

"Want to Feel Younger, More Open? 'Magic Mushrooms' Trigger Lasting Personality Change", Maia Szalavitz Monday, October 3, 2011

"drug [the psychedelic drug psilocybin - 'Magic Mushroom'] showed increases in the key personality dimension of openness — being amenable to new ideas, experiences and perspectives."

The article goes on to explain that these personality changes were contrary to what is expected when people get older. Instead of becoming less and less open to new ideas and experiences, those who took the magic mushroom and obtained a "full mystical experience," a shift towards increase openness was observed.

At least one observed that they had become "much more forgiving of friends and strangers"

Wow, need I say more.

Peace Man!

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html