07 February, 2011

You betcha the $16 billion on 65 F-35's will be an election issue - do Con's con

Submitted: 10:15am, PST, 7 Feb.'11 The Chronicle Herald

Purchase of jets a real election issue, Scott Taylor On Target, Mon, Feb 7, The Chronicle Herald


Gates said: "Our partners are needed, obviously, because the more quantity you buy, the price-per-copy will drop,"

Well, that doesn't square.

Either we need the 65 F-35's in order to save the US some money or we need it for our country's security, now which is it.


"We need this aircraft," - Yah, like we need a $16 billion dollar and counting hole in the fiscal well-being of Canada.

"While Manson may have been telling the truth as he sees it, unfortunately he did not tell the whole truth about his career credentials. While he was indeed once the chief of the defence staff for the Canadian Forces and a top project officer on the acquisition of the air force’s current fleet of CF-18 fighter aircraft, Manson forgot to mention his post-military stint as the president of Lockheed Martin Canada."

It is shocking that Manson, one of Harper main proponents of the F-35's, might not reveal his personal connection to one of the manufacturers of the F-35.

While Manson is clearling the air, he might want to confirm that he has no personal financial interest, either, like shares in the company, interest in contracts, or otherwise.


The Canadian military have no right, nor mandate, to hold a secret agenda, or an agenda that is not for the benefit of Canadians or Canadians' national and International aspirations. The Prime Minister has no right, nor mandate, either to formulate such.

If the F-35 procurement is not in line with the above, the honourable thing to do for the military would be to stand up and state categorically that they do not support it. It does not do for them to keep quiet or even encourage such expenditures simple because they may be the benefactors.

Conversely, simply because it benefits the military does not make it right (morally, although it may be 'Right' ideologically). Simply because it is what Harper wants doesn't make it the aspiration of all Canadians - or at least the Moderate Majority (66%)

Based on public knowledge it is ludicrous to suggest that the F-35's are for the benefit of Canadians or Canadians' national and International aspirations.

As far as spending is concerned there are many matters that take priority over purchasing F-35's that would also entail keeping the money in Canada as well as actually directly benefiting all Canadians and Canada as a nation. I can give you one example that doesn't fit this bill - spending $10's billions of expanding prison facilities.


The people serving the military are military states

The military serving the Prime Minister are dictatorships

Democracies are where both the military and the Prime Minister serve the people.

Canada really Needs:
To bring back Democracy to Canada and give Harper, MacKay and all the other Con's the boot.

You betcha the $16 billion on 65 F-35's will be an election issue.

But, there are indications that Harper wants to back down on this - vis.:
"saying 'no' to spending more money on new things we can’t afford." (Harper speech, 21 Jan.'11)
and, the MacKay jumping ship rumour a month or so ago.

- Peter MacKay would likely resign causing serious division in the ranks of the Con party, especially in Nova Scotia because that is where MacKay has his seat
- it would go against the wishes of the core of die-hard, right-wing extremist supporters of Harper, epi-centred in Alberta, who may also directly benefit.

("As Laurie Hawk, sorry Hawn (slip of the pen), pointed out: "Alberta and Cold Lake will certainly figure prominently in the life of the F-35," (The Ottawa Citizen)", 'Hey Big Spender, why don't you spend a little time with us - Explaining the 16B for 65 F35's', 25 August, 2010, Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html)

Perhaps, Harper is waiting until the midst of an election to minimize this and maximize the PR value.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html