23 February, 2011

- Harper Majority - You Can Kiss Your Safety Net Good-Bye

submitted: 9:44am, & submitted: 9:47am, 23 Feb.'11 The Toronto Star
Goar: Harper is cutting off ‘lifeblood of democracy’
Published On Wed Feb 23 2011

- Carol Goar, Turn On Your Light, Let It Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine on Harper and His Con's

Stephen Harper understands fully the importance of the free flow of information to Democracy, freedom and the Canadian way of life our forefathers built through generations of blood, sweat and tears.

That is why he is so keen to suppress the truth, obscure, obstruct, obfuscate and has built the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western Democracies in recent history

Otherwise, it would be plain for all Canadians to see his game plan of

dragging Canada and Canadian values to the extreme right, where people like GW Bush, Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing US extremists reside,

dismantling Canada and abdicating to the provinces - look at Harper's background to predict how he would negotiate Health Care, equalization and social transfers when they become open in a couple years, especially if he had a majority -

you can kiss your safety net good-bye.

Of course Harper is allowed to do all these things because of a die-hard core (33%) of right-wing extremists who support him on everything, Canada and Canadians be dam[redacted]ed, as long as he produces that is, who are keeping him in power.

And, as long as the Moderate Majority (66%) don't consolidate.

If I recall, someone, whose initials are SH (Stephen Harper not Severely Hypocritical - I know, same thing), once said:

The media in Democracies should: "shine a light into dark corners" of government and "assist the process of holding governments accountable”.

I would recommend Goar for the SHAME (Stephen Harper Award for Media Excellence) in light shining.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html