10 October, 2010

- Stephen Harper: "I am the President"

Comments Closed - after 1 day ???
Security Council seat comes with 'symbolic' power, Geoff Nixon, CTV.ca News, Oct. 9, 2010

I agree that Canada will very likely get on of the seats on the Security Counsel, since they get one every 10 years or so plus Canada's long and proud history in International Affairs before Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada took the helm.

From what I heard of Harper's speech in the UN a few weeks ago pitching Canada on the Security Counsel (you know, the one that was so purely attended - if it wasn't Harper speaking I might think it was intended as a 'message' on Canada's current efforts in International diplomacy - they do that kind of messaging at that level), Harper even based the argument on Canada long and proud history of positive contribution to International peace and comity of nations and not its track record for the past 4 years. Although I don't recall him drawing attention to the significance of this. The same goes for Canada's economy and banking system.

On the other hand, if Canada does not get a seat it will be a very significant rebuke of Harper and his right wing extremist policies, and not Canada - and the Canadian people will understand this.

Harper's, and the Con's, policy of vicious partizan attacks on the Opposition in the International arena would certainly have also played a part. We can only hope that the International community is writing Harper and the Con's off to a 'right wing extremism anomaly in Canada's history' and it is our responsibility to not only our forefathers, who built this great country on the blood, sweat and tears, but also our children and our children's children, who will be left to deal with this condition, to ensure that it is.

Also, perhaps the International Community is banking on that by the time Canada's turn to hold the presidency come around, we will have a moderate government in line with Canada's great traditions in the International community. Someone like Michael Ignatieff would represent all Canadians well, with pride and distinction.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html