10 October, 2010

- 'Harper Nation' Mindset Reveal Itself, Once Again

Submitted: 7:23 am, PDT, 10 Oct.'10 CBC News
Poilievre urged to step aside over Hill breach, October 8, 2010

"Let's focus on the people of Canada's priorities and not these trivial matters," Baird said.

It seems whenever a highly place Con MP is criticized it is either someone else's fault or a "trivial matter".

What John Baird seems to be missing, the deliberateness of which I have no doubt, is the attitude projected here of "I'm connected to Stephen Harper, I'm a bigshot in the Conservative Party of Canada, so I'm above the law".

You know, the "I make the rules" attitude, displayed openly, by Harper himself.

If it were a traditional Canadian government that respected Parliament; respected the legislation, especially the ones that they themselves passed; respected the right of all Canadians to be given the truth and forthwith and without stonewalling, without obstruction, obscuration or obfuscation, and without MEP's; respected the right of all Canadians to be consulted on important matters especially when it comes to spending our hard earned tax money, trashing established and well respected institutions, polices, programs and servants dedicated to Canada, with which Canada has been so proud and which had the best interests of all Canadians at heart and not a small group of die-hard right wing extremists epi-centered in Alberta. Then, perhaps, we could write this off as just one-of-those-things, every-one-has-a-bad-day and go on our merry way as Baird is hoping we do.

However, I strongly suspect that this is more along the lines of a 'Freudian slip", a message from the true Pierre Poilievre, un-blocked and un-spun, an unguarded moment revealing the reality of the state of the "Harper nation" and Canadians be dam[redacted]ed mindset. As such, it is, and ought to be, a top priority of all Canadians.

It would be important to find out exactly why Pierre Poilievre was let through without inspection so as to dispel any lingering misgivings that it might have been for fear of their job.

excerpt: comments Lloyd MacILquham cicblog