24 January, 2010

- What Heroes These Harper Con's Be - excerpt

Posted January 24, 1:15 PM
Hundreds protest at no-prorogue rally in Waterloo, Babar Tahirkheli, 24 Jan.'10

Harper in his defence of Prorogation stated "We are unfortunately at the same time dealing with life-and-death issues as we here in this terrible Haiti tragedy,”

First, this is a clear attempt by Harper to make Canada's response to the Haiti disaster political. Soon he will be putting massages on the sides of the Go trains in and out of Toronto (sounds familiar) saying "What Heroes These Harper Con's Be".

The fact is that Harper and the Con's are doing no more, if that, than any government of the day would do for Haiti, even with Parliament sitting. It is outrageous that Harper and the Con's would deliberately cut off 2/3 of Canadians having a say in how and to what extent our country helps Haiti. This is especially for Quebec, where Harper has explicitly disenfranchised 38% of the people - all those voting Block. This is even more outrageous since the ties between the people of Quebec and Haiti are so very close.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html


Submitted: 1/24/2010 1:49:41 PM & continued 1/24/2010 1:55:57 PM
Thousands protest prorogued Parliament , Ciara Byrne, 24 Jan. '10http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/prorogation/protesters-denounce-prorogued-parliament/article1441809/ Tab 222