11 January, 2010

- Harper is Constitutionally Challenged

Posted 10:29am, 11 Jan.'10
Tories to start legislative agenda, again, Former clerk says the Prime Minister didn't have to shut down Parliament for two months to get a majority on Senate committees, Harris MacLeod, January 11, 2010
Tab 1

Of course, Harper answers to the will of Parliament. So, we can turn to Parliament to protect us against dictatorial rule. And, then there is the Senate as well, with its sober second thought.

Surely it will limit Harper and prevent him from implementing any right wing extremist ideologically based policies, especially those that lead to a de facto dictatorship.

Harper himself told us that before he got elected.

How could a dictator take over with Parliament and the Senate. Unless, of course, you dissolve Parliament when it goes to exercise its Will, call-to-arms a small but significant group of die-hard supporters, and abolish the Senate, or at least attack and hamstring it to the extent that it can’t protect itself, let alone Canada, all Canadians and our way of life.

No Prime Minister would do such a thing. Would they?

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html
25 Jun.'09

Senator Colin Kenny,

Could you make public the basis of a SCC challenge to the two Bills that are to be proposes (according to, Alberta Conservative Senator Bert Brown), one on limiting Senators' terms to eight years, and the other to put in place a process for electing Senators.

I can see that limiting the Senate terms to 8 years might very well be a violation of our Constitution, since, it violates the indefinite term, put in place to eliminate partisanship. It may even be argued that the two together do the same. However, if the PM has absolute discretion to choose Senators, why can't he choose ones that have been elected.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html