09 November, 2009

- Globe and Mail - Get Someone who Knows Canadian Politics

Tories position by-elections as test of Ignatieff, Joan Bryden, Nov. 08, 2009
Tab 19 & 20

Sorry, which in by-elections (see results for 14 Oct.'08, below) were the Liberals supposed to be close, the one where they got 8.45% of the votes (I feel sorry for the candidate - no rebates). Or is it the one where they got 11.29%. Maybe it is in Quebec where the best they did was 20%.

The only thing the article is demonstrating is the bias of the Globe and Mail and the lack of experience in Canadian politics of the reporter.

The big factor in these by-elections is the % of voters. If there is a big turnout then it indicates there is an issue that the voters feel strongly about right now. In by-elections there is a very great trend to vote local issues and candidates as opposed to Parties and Leaders - a trend that has been establish over many, many years and which all those who pay attention to Canadian politics ought to know, but which this reporter fails to discuss at all - you be the judge.

If there is a small turn out then you can expect that only the hard core supporters of each party to turn out. This says nothing about Leaders, Leadership or party fortunes generally. If there is a large turn out then there is probably some local issue (and how the economic downturn is affecting people in the riding can be such), again, this says nothing about Leaders, Leadership or party fortunes generally.

I can't imagine anyone approaching Harper or any of the Con's to get an objective comment on the meaning of the results of these by-elections, or anything else, as we are all too familiar.

It is also very interesting that these self-proclaimed "political commentators" are only now, the day of voting when the trends are already established and known, suggesting that it is a reflection of Liberal Leadership. The only thing you can be certain about with these "pundits" is that if the indications were that the Liberals were doing well you can be sure they wouldn't suggesting it is a negative reflection on Harper's leadership.

The Con's are not the Tories.

The Tories had a long history of participating in the building of a great nation, Canada, and could hold their heads up with pride. Harper and the Con's have no such history and are tearing it down.

Harper's only concern is power, grasping it and holding on to it, Canada be damned.

Also, I can't imagine anybody pointing to how Harper and the Con's conduct their affairs with pride. Their place in Canadian history will be quite the contrary.

One thing that the Con's and the Tories have in common is using taxpayer's money to buy votes. If I recall Brian Mulroney was a master at it, however much more sophisticated and subtle.

Will the voters in this by-election see through this? This is a good opportunity to see. In by-elections the voting is not so much for the leader or the party but more based on the candidates and the issues. On the other hand, these ridings are considered to maintain the status quo (the NS riding going Con). So, by comparing the last election result with the upcoming one may give some insight into this.

Also, hopefully the other candidates are exposing the Con's for what they are.

Reading Joan Bryden's article, it is so lopsided and off point, one can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials. I would not put this beyond the reach of Harper and the Con's, everything considered, although I would be a bit disappointed and a bit outraged by such 'Actions' by the media. The only thing I can be certain of is, of course, that the truth will not be forthcoming from either the Con's or the media.

Jane Taber's article,Follow the leader? Not these Liberals, Jane Taber, November 6, 2009

had the same theme - hummmm, I wonder if it is simply a co-incidence.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.htm

The following is a table for the results from the last election for the four ridings.

Cumberland–Colchester–Musquodoboit Valley (Nova Scotia)
14 Oct.'08
Con Ind/ NDP Lib Rej Votes Possible Votes
Totals 3493 27303 4874 3344 39765 68831
% 8.82 69.00 12.31 8.45 57.8

Hochelaga (Quebec)
14 Oct.08
Con Block NDP Lib INd Rej Votes Possible Votes
T/Totaux 4201 22720 6600 9442 46327 79542
% 9.19 49.75 14.44 20.66 58.2

Montmagny-L'Islet-Kamouraska-Rivière-du-Loup (Quebec)
14 Oct.08
Con Block NDP Lib INd Rej Votes Possible Votes
T/Totaux 13640 20494 2428 6835 45 057 78 377
% 30.63 46.03 5.45 15.35 57.5

New Westminster–Coquitlam (British Columbia)
14 Oct.08
Con Green NDP Lib INd Rej Votes Possible Votes
T/Totaux 19299 3574 20787 5615 49857 80755
% 38.83 7.19 41.83 11.29 61.7