04 August, 2009

- Harper and the Con’s political methods are an insult to the inteligence and integrity of all Canadians

excerpt submitted to: Toronto Star, "Tories paint Michael Ignatieff as purely political animal", James Travers, 4 Aug.'09

Harper and the Con’s political methods are an insult to the inteligence and integrity of all Canadians and it is time for Harper and his methods to ‘hit the road’.

Harper and the Cons have developed and employ a propaganda machine the likes of which have not been seen in recent democratic countries. These character attacks nnot only deliberately misrepresent things but are designed to distract people from the real issues, issues that are vitally important to Canada, our way of life and our future. Harper’s only concern is acquiring and maintaining power for power’s sake and their right wing extremist purposes.

Harper and the Con’s disregard and distain for our Parliamentary institutions and System of government is a deliberate attempt to paralyze our system of government so that Harper may rule with impunity and distract people from their extreme right wing ideology.

Even Tom Flanigan refers to the political methods of the Romans, one of the most corrupt and degenerate ‘democracies’ ever, as historical justification for Harper and the Con’s extreme, negative ads.