13 August, 2009

- Harper and the Cons must Go

posted to Globe and Mail, “The resurgence of the Red Tory brand”, Lawrence Martin, 13 Aug.’09

Harper and the Con’s moderations in position from their extreme right wing ideology discussed came only after being forced to by the Opposition and not by any kind of desire to co-operation. Their actions are only to hold onto power and not any desire to act in the best interests of Canada and all Canadians, and even to selling out Conservative Party values.

Even still, this confrontational, in-your-face, my-way-or-the-highway approach is taking its toll on our political Institutions and the general public’s confidence. It also acts a diversion as Harper and the Cons, albeit more gradually, implement their extreme right wing policies thru the Administrative Branch of the Government. It’s insidious and its dragging us back into a bygone era that has no place in a modern, diverse, tolerant and open, first world economy democratic society.