13 July, 2009

- It is very revealing that Harper and the Cons would turn to Roman politics for justification of their extremely negative attack ads

posted to: Globe and mail, “Have the Liberals gone soft? Why are they upset over attack ads?”, 13 Jul.’09, Tom Flanigan

Hi Tom,

Good comparison, Tom.

- It is very revealing that Harper and the Cons would turn to Roman politics for justification of their extremely negative attack ads and other political methodologies.

Ever since the advent of Christianity, we have not turned to the Romans for our moral instructions.

The Roman method of politics lead to dictatorship and finally degradation and ruin. Not the best example for political instruction. As far as I can see for the last 2000 years our society has considered the Roman Republic and her politics corrupt in the extreme. Enter stage right Bush and Harper.

In fact Harper and the Cons have developed and employ a propaganda machine the likes of which have not been seen in recent democratic countries.

There is no comparison between the current application of negative ads by Harper and the Cons and anything previously employed. To suggest so conveniently muddies the waters, which is likely the intention.

I think most people remember the Mulroney years and if I were a Con I would be very reluctant to bring that period to the attention of the voters.

It would be interesting to hear your answer on the following two questions:

- Other than the extreme right wing elements in our society is there anyone supporting the use of the type of negative ads that Harper and the Cons are employing?

- As Scott Reid suggested last week. Are all these articles by yourself, Preston Manning, et al, as well as the literature being sent out in Quebec at the taxpayers’ expense some kind of effort to identify the extreme right wing elements in our society?