12 July, 2009

- How much more damage must be done by Harper and the Cons to Canada and our society before they get the boot.

Posted to: G&M, “PM apologizes for Ignatieff attack”, 11 Jul.’09, Brian Laghi and Campbell Clark

Harper, once more is using the international stage to promote himself and the Con’s at home in Canada and not to properly represent Canada in one of the most important meeting of Western leaders in a generation.

To make a personal attack on the leader of the opposition in Canada had absolutely no place at the G8 meeting. It should be an eyebrow raiser for all Canadians. Harper ought not to have raised this in his speech even if it were correctly attributed to Mr. Ignatieff.

His total lack of respect for the importance of the meeting and the participants is also clearly demonstrated when he appeared late for the photo. This, of course, is totally unacceptable. There is concerns that he may have been late deliberately to demonstrate to Canadians that he is the ‘boss’ at the meeting.

Once again an assistant of Harper is being blamed. It seems to me that this is a general scenario with Harper. In may be that an assistant gave him the misinformation but Harper ought to have the good judgment not to refer to it at all given it was at an international conference, and the G8 to boot.

Clearly Harper has no consideration for comity and protocol on the international stage. His only concern is political self-interest.

- How much more damage must be done by Harper and the Cons to Canada and our society before they get the boot.