26 June, 2010

- Harper, Can the Con

What abortion fight?, Norman Spector, Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tab 1

Well Norman, perhaps you should read some Can news that is not Con news.

"Vancouver Sun, 22 Jun.'10

"Some 56 per cent of Canadians do not agree with Canada's current position of not funding abortions as part of an international maternal-health initiative, the Ipsos Reid survey conducted for Canada.com found.

'You've got Atlantic Canadians, British Columbians, Quebecers and Ontarians on one side of this debate, who believe the abortion issue should be more open and accessible,' Wright said. 'Then you have Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta, who are much less supportive and would rather have narrower access.'"

I think the lack of criticism by the leaders during the Summit cannot be used to infer consensus; but, merely an application of the fundamental principle in Int'l diplomacy - vis.:

"if someone is spending a billions dollars on a party for you, don't insult them while you're at the party".

In fact, probably there is a basic formula that can be discerned: that the amount of dissent overtly expressed at one of these Int'l summits is inversely proportional to the lavish treatment.

I realize that such basic principles as 'co-operation' applied to Int'l diplomacy are far outside the comprehension of Stephen Harper and the Con's. But, you simply can not assume that the world leaders serious about co-operation are just as 'in-your-face', 'my-way-or-the-highway' as Harper.

There is another fundamental principle of domestic politics when a government brings in policies that cater to a minority and the majority be damned we can apply - vis.:

"give Harper and the Con's the boot, then change this narrowly supported theo-con policy".

And it will be a simple thing to change (not like policies, like the GST, say, which once installed would be extremely disruptive to eliminate - another fundamental principle that Mulroney knew all to well and to the detriment of Canada)

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html