17 June, 2010

- Harper and all you Con's, Canadians Are Cheesed Off

submitted: 7:34am, PDT, 17 June, 2010 & 9:51am, PDT, 17 June, 2010 CBC.CA News
G8 funds flood Clement's riding: Liberals, Industry minister 'cheesed off' by pork-barrelling accusations, June 16, 2010, CBC News

Industry Minister Tony Clement said:" I'm cheesed off because I know the people in my riding don't deserve the kind of partisan attacks the Liberals have been doing,"

[Angus Reid Poll: 78 per cent claiming that the expected expenditure of $1 billion is unjustified, with 11% uncertain and 11% saying it's justified, 11 - 12 Jun.'10]

I wonder what the % is for Clement's riding. I think I would be quite surprised if they were not just as 'cheesed off' by outrageous, partizan spending of our hard earned tax dollars under the guise of the G8-20. If I lived there I would be embarrassed and indignant that Clement would have the audacity to misrepresent my opinions in an effort to shield himself from having to be accountable and transparent.

After all even though Harper and the Con's are poring in 100's of millions of dollars, it only really benefits a relatively few. This is not just a one off thing and Harper and the Con's have been spending billions upon billions of Canadians' hard earned money for their own partizan purposes.

In the news just yesterday the former Con Cabinet Minster, Greg Thompson:

"who resigned as veterans affairs minister in January and isn't running in the next federal election, said he has an email from Ashfield's chief of staff suggesting that projects in his riding of New Brunswick Southwest should be put on hold until there's a new Tory candidate and until after the provincial election.

"My opinion, put everything on hold in that riding until there is a nominated federal candidate, and preferably until after Sept. 27," the email from Fred Nott states [Ashfield's chief of staff].
Thompson said he took the issue directly to Ashfield on Monday in Ottawa.

'He said we're not going to be carrying the province on our backs into the next election and them getting the credit for all the projects,' Thompson said. 'He said that with his own lips to me in the House of Commons.'

Ashfield's response, apparently, to these allegations: we have a difference of opinion

(see: N.B. Premier riled at Tory 'partisan' games, By Kevin Bissett, The Canadian Press, Wed Jun 16, 9:55 PM

You've got the 'right' (in an extremist, right wing, ideological kind of way) Ashfield, the Con opinion is that what Canada's is theirs; and Canadians opinions is that Harper and the Con's are their trustees and accountable to the people.

Tony Clament, I suggest to you that it is the people of Canadian are cheesed off and don't deserve the kind of outrageous, partizan spending of our hard earned tax dollars under the guise of the G8-20.

It is not the good people of Muskoka that are doing the spending, of course, it is you, Harper and all the Con's running this country, and it is not the good people of Muskoka that are being questioned by the Liberals it is you. I can only wonder how it is you seem to be so confused on this.

Clament's response to the quite legitimate inquiry by the Liberals ( "$2-million street improvement project for Port Severn, 135 kilometres away from the summit site in Huntsville, as well as a $700,000 main street and bridge improvement project in the small town of Kearney, 42 kilometres from the summit site") are allegations that the Liberals are: "lying and twisting the truth" about the G8 legacy fund, and said they should instead explain to taxpayers why they support the "wasteful" federal long-gun registry."

Tony, if you feel the Liberals are 'lying and twisting the truth' then the rational response would be to tell Canadians what the truth is. Instead, when you get the opportunity to do just that you try to snow Canadians (like we need more snow from Harper and his Con's). Not only do you avoid the question, in a fashion typical of the guilty, but your response is irrational. Perhaps you could explain how spending money on one thing justifies their outrageous, partizan spending of billions on the G8-20.

Tony, if you feel the Liberals are 'lying and twisting the truth' then the rational response would be to tell Canadians what the truth is.

Harper, Clament and all you Con's, the Canadian people have a right to know how our money is being spent. The Official Opposition's job is to represent Canadians' interests and demand answers to these kinds of important, searching, searing questions.

Mr. Clament, I suggest to you, the good people of Canada that are also cheesed off by this refusal to answer our questions, not only avoiding to answer these important questions, but to instead insult our messenger.

The money being spent on the long gun registry is peanuts compared to the partizan spending by Harper, Flaherty, Clament and all the Con's. Also, how could the money spent in the distant past on setting it up, justify this kind of massive spending for partizan purposes. Let me be very clear on this, "It doesn't!".

Oh, and while you're at it, perhaps you could also explain why the Harper government is spending 16 billion on next generation fighter jets. Now, wouldn't it be in the interest of all Canadians to ear-mark this 16 billion for the 'future generation' of Canadians. And there are billions of other such questions as well, while your at it.

The fact of the matter is that Harper and the Con's will continue their outrageous actions and partizan spending, Canadians be damned. The only solution is stand up and rid Canada of this blight.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html