15 April, 2010

- 'Heart of Darkness', Stephen Harper Produced and Director

Posted: 4/15/2010 10:08:47 AM The Globe and Mail

Military vows to probe ‘grave’ detainee accusations, Steven Chase, The Globe and Mail, 15 Apr.'10
Tab 102

“I can assure all Canadians that we take all allegations seriously and will investigate new allegations appropriately,” Gen. Natynczyk said.

I can assure Gen Natynczyk that Canadians take these allegations seriously and demand that they are appropriately investigated.

The difference is that the appropriate method of investigation is an full, open Public Inquiry and not some internal thing behind an iron curtain conducted by people or organizations who may have a strong self-interest.

Once again it appears that the Harper administration is taking the position that this is not 'proof' of abuse of Afghan Detainees transferred by Canadians. If I recall Laurie Hawn, parliamentary secretary to the Defence Minister Peter MacKay, suggested yesterday that the incident related by the interpreter of a Canadian solder killing an unarmed Afghan was not credible since he had only heard about it. However, it is not a question of just having heard about it, he learned of it through his duties as a translator when they were interrogating the Afghan 'rounded-up' after the incident. Not only does this make it more than simply a rumour but it also means that Canadian authorities must have 'heard the rumour as well', after all he was translating it to some Canadian.

If it is such a serious allegation, and it is, then why wasn't it investigated at the time. Also, why are these other people not appearing at the Parliamentary Committee to either confirm or refute this testimony.

If Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Leaurie Hawn, Gordon O'Connon or any other Con are really so concerned about the reliability of all these witnesses, who, by the way, are building a very strong, consistent case, then surely they would be screaming for a full, open Public Inquiry, wouldn't they.

Oh, yah, I forgot, because if the truth be know, Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and/or other Con's in the government may be put into a very embarrassing position and required to answer some very tough questions the answers to which may very well put their actions into question, their hold on power into jeopardy or worse, cause investigations by the International Criminal Courts in the Hague.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Excerpt Submitted: 7:26am, PDT, 15 Apr.'10 CBCV News
Afghan translator alleges shooting coverup, Man acknowledges there is 'no direct evidence' incident occurred, CBC News, 15 Apr.'10 Tab 99