17 April, 2010

- Harper - Darth Vader, Mike Harris - Emperor Palpatine - Then Who Is Ignatieff???

Posted: 4/17/2010 11:12:18 AM The Globe and Mail

.Jeffrey Simpson
The Guergis and Afghan message: Loose lips still sink ships, 17 Apr.'10
Tab 2

Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor Laurie Hawn are not wrapping themselves in the flag.

They are hiding behind it and using our good and true men and women in uniform as shields to deflect attention to their own responsibility for this whole sordid Afghan Detainee Transfer Affair and ensuing cover-up.

This is the standard approach of Harper and the Con's - to blame others no matter what and viciously attack anyone who dares to stand up and let the truth be know, or demand that the truth be know.

There is little doubt that the Canadian people will close ranks and stand behind our soldiers so that they have little fear of prosecution. However, I am unable to suggest the same for Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay and/or any Con that might be responsible.

Gen. Natynczyk seems now to be taking at least one of the allegation seriously (the Afghan interpreter's testimony at the Committee alleging a Canadian solder killed an unarmed Afghan).

So, why is it Peter MacKay and Stephen Harper don't.

Well the easy answer is that if they did take it seriously instead of simply responding with viscous personal attacks, they would have to call a full, open Judicial Inquiry, now wouldn't they. And then, perhaps, they'd be skewered.

One thing Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, Laurie Hawn might keep in mind is that it is usually after the leaders of a country have discontinued their rule, for whatever reason, that they are brought before the ICC (International Criminal Courts) at the Hague. Harper, MacKay and the Con's can hold out while they are in power, but what about after they leave.

For whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee, Stephen.

Harper is renowned as a strategist, so perhaps he has previously prepared position to fall back on. I wonder what that could be.

How many will be surprised if it comes out that there can be found no damning evidence after Harper leaves office.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

continued . . . 4/17/2010 11:31:57 AM

Just as an illustration regarding how really futile it is for Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, Laurie Hawn, to refuse an open, full Judicial Inquiry in the Afghan Detainee Transfer scandal and ensuing cover-up and how justice has a way of catching up with political leaders who try to obstruct its running its true course while in power, in open and free Western Democracies, anyway:

Mike Harris refused an Inquiry into the Dudley affair, but had to 'face the music' after the PC's were booted out.

"On Nov. 12, 2003, just days after the Liberals swept to power in a general election, Dalton McGuinty announced his government would launch a public inquiry into the [Dudley] matter." (CBC, 31 May '07)

Mike Harris was also called as a witness in the Walkerton Inquiry: "On Friday, Ontario Premier Mike Harris became the 107th person to appear before the inquiry, and the first premier to testify before a judicial inquiry [Walkerton Inquiry] in Ontario in more than half a century. "(CBC, 29 June, 2001)

What got Harris into trouble was his right-wing extremist, my-way-or-the-highway, in-your-face, I'm right you're wrong, I'm big - you're small, bullying, mean approach to government. Sound familiar. There are more than just parallels with the Harper administration - vis.: John Baird, Jim Flaherty, Tony Clament and a raft of advisors and inner circle. Mike Harris would never get elected Federally, not as long as Ontarians have memories. However, they did the next best thing, assimilated the Harris machine in to the Harper administration. This was no accident.

Canadians have a right to know now and it is outrageous that we would have to wait until Harper gets the boot to find out the truth in this matter. But with the Harper regime, we have little choice.

However, we can hasten the process by getting rid of Harper and his kind sooner rather than later.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html