23 January, 2010

-Second Coming of Stockwell Day ??? God Save Canada

The second coming of Stockwell Day, Jane Taber, 22 Jan.'10

If you want to know why Stockwell day lost the election in 2000, other than simply being an extremist right wing ideologue, who was leading a right wing extremist Party representing a small fraction of this country. Here are some comments to consider . . .

Maybe Parliament could introduce a motion to change "Stockwell Day's" name to "Doris Day".
What, already been suggested? by Rick Mercer? Brilliant!
Ahhh ... yes, I see, through the miracle of Internet I can go back in history and get:

"Rick Mercer gets minimum signatures for referendum to have Stockwell Day change name to Doris!"

. . .

what's this ... coming up on my Google search of "Stockwell Day " +"Doris Day" ...

"During the 2000 election campaign Day made the following comments and voiced the following beliefs:

- Day espoused his belief that evolution doesn't exist and that people do really come from Adam and Eve.

- Day believed that an "Asian Invasion" was taking place at Canadian universities and that we shouldn't allow asians to study in Canada.

- He made a variety of other quotes displaying his anti-immigration beliefs, anti-native rights, anti-women's rights and anti-Quebec."
"The Prank That Destroyed Stockwell Day, By Charles Moffat")

Am I ready this right! Did Day actually say these things?

Perhaps the media could through some light in this dark place.

And Day is running this country as International Trade Minister - sorry, Treasury Board president ???What would aliens say if they came and hovered over Ottawa.

All I can say is, God save Canada! Wait, God helps those that help themselves. We can not rely on divine intervention.

We must take the bull - graven image for all you traditionalists - by the horns, give Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan, Nicholson, Toews, . . . oh, and did I mention Day, the boot.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html