27 November, 2009

- Jason Kenny, if there is a fog it is from Harper, Toews, Baird, MacKay, Flaherty, you and all the Con's and hopefully it is starting to lift.

Speaker rules flyers may have damaged MP's reputation, Mike De Souza, November 26, 2009

If I were Cotler I would be talking to my lawyer right now about launching a libel suit against Harper, Vic Toews, the Con Party or whomever it is that is responsible. Presumably these 10%-ers are not covered by Parliamentary privilege.

After being chastised by the Speaker of the House of Commons, do they do the decent thing and apologies. No, they try to say that what they said was true and the other Parties do it. Perhaps Jason Kenny could show us all one of these other pamphlets from the Opposition that compares to the one at issue. Instead of bald accusations and defamations perhaps the Con's could respond with the facts for a change. If there is a fog it is from Harper, Kenny, Toews, Baird, MacKay, Flaherty and all the Con's and hopefully it is starting to lift.

Harper and the Con's have developed the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in
recent history that they have no hesitation in using no matter how reprehensible and morally and
secularly dishonest, approaching Canadians on an emotional level, with a total disregard for the truth.

Harper and the Con's are only concerned with grabbing onto power and maintaining it, at any cost, and Canada be damned.

The Harper, and the Con’s generally, style politics is of distortion, cover-up, duplicity, deception, obscuration and obfuscation, suppression of truth and, slandering, mud slinging and character assassination in lieu of serious and sober response to important issues. Their attitude to Science and Scientific research are in the dank ages and Crime reminiscent of the irrationality surrounding witch-hunts and the Inquisition.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html