12 September, 2009

- 2/3rds of Canadians voted against Harper. It's time he were given the boot.

submitted to:
Here’s the deal, despite what they say
STEPHEN MAHER Letter From Ottawa
Sat. Sep 12 - 4:46 AM

For Harper and the Cons it simply doesn't matter if it is true whether Ignatieff and Liberals intend to reform the coalition.

We saw this with Flanagan last week and yesterday when Mr. Ignatieff stated that he would not be forming a coalition and immediately after Harper's Parliamentary secretary, Pierre Poilievre, said that Ignatieff had not ruled out that possibility.

Perhaps Harper could explain why his alliance with what he labels as 'socialist and separatists' was ok for him and the Con's in Sep.'04 to 'overthrough' the Martin minority, but now when it would work against him it 'threatens Canadian unity'.

Apparently the new Harper attack ads accuse Ignatieff and the Liberals of threatening national unity. Perhaps Harper would like to explain exactly what it is that he means by this.

The Harper strategy is not to inform Canadians and Harper has no interest in to what extent it reflects the truth.

The Harper accusations of Ignatieff going to form a coalition is being done precisely to incite core supporters of Harper and the Con's. There will be much more of this in the days to come, you can be assured. I can only suggest that we all as Canadians take note of this.

2/3rds of Canadians voted against Harper. It's time he were given the boot.