Innovative Research Group – who would be worst of four possible Liberal leadership contenders to lead Canada through the current global economic crisis
My post to teh G&M article "Rae to formally launch campaign Thursday"
1. You (lloyd macilquham, from Canada) wrote: This “poll” represents much that is bad about Polls. By their own admission it was one question “tacked on” to another Poll, the substance of which - i.e. questions, sequence of asking, results, was not revealed, nor “for whom the Poll tolled” (i.e who commissioned it, who asked that this question be tacked on).
Clearly, by conducting a poll in this way, the result for the “tacked on” question can be manipulated to give just about any result – i.e the answer to the last question is dependent on the former questions – what a revelation!
Further, by not revealing who requested the question and the fact that it was a “rival Liberal camp” that released the result of the Poll for this question, makes the actual wording of the Poll in its entirety and who requested the addendum becomes even more important and tends to make the results very questionable. By saying that it was not commissioned by a rival leadership camp and was not intended to be made public does not, obviously, redeem it.
Also, asking simply one question gives meaningless results as far as who is best qualified to be the Liberal Leader and go on to lead the Liberals to victory in the next election.
Everyone has strong points and everyone has weak points. For example, for Ignatieff, it is lack of experience not only at the head of a government, but leading the Party in an election.
And, of course, as Bob Rae, himself points out, 20% saying he is the worst of the four (three now) indicates that 80% don’t think he is the worst candidate to lead Canada through the current global economic crisis. Given that, in those polled there are likely between 30 – 36% Conservative, 17 – 20% NDP some Greens and some Block. Really, can it be said that 20% has any meaning since those 20% could easily be people who are not going to vote Liberal anyway.
Lloyd MacIlquham
o Posted 20/11/08 at 2:07 PM EST
continuation of Post to G&M
You (lloyd macilquham, from Nanaimo, Canada) wrote:
I suggest that if the other Liberal Leaders want to play fair, and be transparent, they should demand whomever it is in their camp that leaked the poll, or have other information regarding it that is not known to the public, generally, to step forward and reveal all the details so that all Liberals may make informed and enlightened decisions.
By all the candidates insisting on muck throwers not hide behind anonymity but step forward, it will, in my opinion, reduce the amount of muck thrown. And that is a good thing. The Liberal Candidates should be ensuring that the Liberals’ put their best foot forward while the spotlight of the country is shining on them during this leadership campaign.
When you look at Ignatieff not agreeing to an open debate last weekend, one can only wonder how open and transparent he would be as Leader or even Prime Minister. We don’t know who, and from which leadership camp, leaked the results of the Poll.
I think it is safe to say that it wasn’t from Bob Rae’s camp. That leaves only Michael Ignatieff’s and Dominic LeBlanc’s camp and we can only wonder from which. At least we know what we are getting with Bob Rae and he can say he is, so far anyway, an advocate for openness and transparency. Lets have a poll on that issue.
Lloyd MacIlquham
o Posted 20/11/08 at 2:27 PM EST