Previously (episode 21, 18) Batman and Robin were discussing the Harper regressive, conservative right wing ideology of "Obscure and Obstruct" in the curtailment of access to information and its impact on our civil and human rights;
Meanwhile back in the Bat Cave . . .
Robin: Holy Revelations, this is beyond comprehension, Batman.
Batman: You opened with that line last time, Robin, what could possibly be more outrageous than what Harper has been doing to curtail the free flow of information.
Robin: I’ve just been reading about the resignation of the Honourable Maxime Bernier from the Foreign Affairs portfolio. What’s going on, Batman. It seems it just one thing after another with Harper and the Conservative Government
Batman: That’s right, Robin. The big concerns here are, why have Harper and the Con.’s been stonewalling any questions about security, despite how legitimate they are; why did Harper choose Bernier anyway; and, why are they so resistant to an independent investigation into the whole affair.
Robin: Holy, Obscure and Obstruct, Batman, perhaps they have something to hide, you know, a cover-up.
Batman: Well, Robin, you may have something there. Harper went on for 5 weeks stonewalling the Opposition when they asked questions about Canada’s security while all the time confidential documents had apparently gone out of and remained out of Bernier’s control.
Robin: But, Batman, wouldn’t that come to the attention of Foreign Affairs, or whomever else is in charge of such matters.
Batman: That certainly must be the case and that is what is so concerning about all this. It
seems that, perhaps, something is rotten in the state of Canada, Robin.
Robin: Great Shakespeare’s ghost, Batman. Didn’t Bernier make a number of serious gaffs while Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Batman: Apparently so, Robin, and that raises another issue, that is 'Why
was Bernier chosen for such a senior Ministerial portfolio'. Many people feel it was because Harper and the Con.’s wanted to promote their chances in Quebec in the next election.
Robin: Holy Serious compromise of our great nation’s security, Batman. You mean to say that Harper appointed Bernier to such
a sensitive and important position, not because of ability, but to get votes. I though Harper was supposed to be a political strategic genius and the man to bring integrity and transparency to our government.
Batman: Things are becoming much more transparent, Robin.
Robin: Well what does Harper have to say for himself.
Batman: Well, Robin, apparently Harper has said that he doesn’t believe national security was compromised.
Robin: But, isn’t stonewalling and refusing to do anything when our national interest is at
stake, a breach of national security in and of itself, Batman.
Batman: Yes, Robin, it certainly is to me. Harper as Prime Minister had an obligation to investigate and disclose to the Canadian people, immediately, when the possibility of a situation where national security could be breached was raised.
Robin: Batman, what is Harper`s response. He stonewalled for 5 weeks. Certainly it doesn`t lie in Harper`s mouth to say he didn`t know of any compromised confidential documents.
Batman: His response, apparently, was trying to say that it was strictly a personal affair and asserting "I don't take this subject seriously."
Now that things are coming to light his position seems to be that he knew nothing of the missing confidential documents until a couple of days ago, just a few hours before this matter was made public. Now he seems to be ignoring the Opposition calls for a Public Inquiry saying that the External Affairs Department will investigate.
Robin: But surely they are involved in all this, Batman, since it is their confidential documents that was apparently unaccounted for 5 weeks.
Batman: Your right, Robin, that is certainly one question that needs answering as well. This is not to say that they couldn`t do a good job, but it is the
appearance of the government investigating itself. It seems to me that it is better that some independent body do the investigating.
Robin: It just seems to be one thing after another with Harper government that throws his and the Con. Party`s integrity,
transparency and clarity into question. We've got to get our Canada back, Batman, before it's too late.
Batman: "Have you had enough" is all I can suggest to the people in this great nation of ours, Robin.
© Lloyd MacIlquham, all rights reserved, 28 May, 2008-05-28