16. Great Covens of Right Wing Idealogues, Batman ! -
Meanwhile back in the Batcave . . .
Batman and Robin are back from their extended vacation at the posh and very exclusive Fortress of Solitude Resort and are making ready for the new season of defending all that we hold dear in our fair country.
Robin can hear singing from the Bat cave “...If I had Two hundred billion dollars. . .”
Robin: Holy Barenaked Ladies, Batman, is that you singing?
Batman: Yes, Robin, I’m preparing a new problem to give to the Batcomputer.
Robin: Not the Joker again, Batman.
Batman: No, Robin. It’s the Harper tax cuts and what they mean to the social fabric of Canada as a nation.
Since forming the government it seems Harper, Flaherty and the Conservatives have announced tax cuts that over the next 5 years will add up to approximately $200 billion.
Robin: Holy crass politicking, Batman, it sounds like vote buying to me. But don’t all parties do that?
Batman: Perhaps, Robin, to some extent. However, when the tax cuts add up to so much, it suggests something more may be going on.
Robin: You mean the Harper Hidden Agenda.
Batman: Riddle me this, Robin
‘What well know conservative think tank issued a report late last year concluding that now is the ideal time to move forward on reducing spending, cutting taxes and eliminating provincial trade barriers. Robin: Holy premonitions, Batman, it sounds just like Harper’s speech from the throne and following mini-budget.
Batman: You may be on to something there, Robin, and that’s the point. The above quote is from Fraser Institute’s Report written by Mike Harris’ and Preston Manning’s and released late last year.
Robin: Holy déjà vu, Batmen, you don’t mean
Batman: Yes, Robin, it’s the same Mike Harris that as Premier of Ontario in the mid ’90 to late ‘90’s many consider ruthlessly slashed spending with such reckless abandon, reaping havoc in Ontario’s Educational System from which they are now just recovering and played an important role to the Walkerton tragedy.
Robin: Then Preston Manning must be the same Preston Manning who helped start and was leader of the Reform Party, considered by many to be on the extreme right wing of Canada’s political spectrum.
Batman: That’s right Robin, they are one and the same.
Robin: But, Batman, don’t these policies reflect American Republican values.
Batmen: Well, Robin, each one of us as Canadians must ask ourselves that question. But to illustrate one need only go to
American.com and read their article of 22 May’07,“Canada’s Problem:Domestic Trade Barriers”
Robin: 200 billion dollars over 5 years seems like a awful lot. Wouldn’t it be better to use a portion of that money to help Canadians.
Batman: Many would consider that an important part of true Canadian values, Robin.
Robin: After all, Batman, isn’t the primary purpose of the Canadian Federal Government to facilitate all Canadians in all parts of our fair lands to join together to help those that need help
and to protect those that need protecting. Especially groups of Canadians in any particular region, socio-economic situation, demographic, etc., for example, child poverty and development; the deteriorating infrastructure of all our cities; the manufacturing industry in Ontario and Quebec; and, of course, healthcare.
Batman: I think you are getting a clear understanding of the issue.
Evidently, Robin, the Harper Government and the Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty’s, vision of Canada does not include these same values as is manifested by Mr. Flaherty’s recent comments to our Cities on the problem of deteriorating infrastructure.
Robin: But, Batman, wasn’t Jim Flaherty a Minister in Mike Harris’ cabinet when he was Premier of Ontario in the mid ‘90s’.
Batman: Very astute, Robin. In fact, Jim Flaherty was Minister of Finance near the end of Mr. Harris’ regime
Indeed, Robin, Mr. Flaherty actually “became identified as one of the most right-wing figures in the Harris administration” according to the Wikipedia entry.
Robin: Great Covens of Right Wing Idealogues, Batman! What were his comments, or dare I ask.
Batman: We must always dare to question, Robin, so as to guard our Canadian way of life.
Mr. Flaherty was quoted in a recent Globe and Mail article as saying: "What's not right is for municipalities or provinces to look to be bailed out on their responsibilities by another level of government."
Robin: Holy revelations, Batman, it is hard to believe one of Canada's leaders and a person we have vested the authority and responsibility could take such an opposite approach, and, in the same breath, try to suggest that the individual groups of Canadians seeking the help from all Canadians are somehow wrong for so doing;
Batman: Unfortunatedly it gets worse, Robin. Mr. Flaherty is quoted as further adding: "Canadians are tired of that. They expect each level of government to do its own work and to balance budgets and to act like responsible people who are elected and [not] … blame this government over there or that government over there”
Robin: But, Batman, how can he say that Canadians are tired of joining together to help a segment of our society that need help, especially since the Conservatives received on 36% of the vote and have a small minority.
Batman: Good question, Robin. I don't think even the BatComputer could solve that riddle. But we must try, Robin, we must try.
But, I can-no do-er, Captain
Oh, sorry, wrong genre
Let me see, here. Ah, Yes!
Warning! Warning!
Danger! Danger!
This does not compute!
This does not Compute!
Robin: Holy, lost in space, Batman! Won’t this type of attitude change the whole fabric of our society and Canada as a nation.
Batman: That’s right, Robin, not only do we have the immediate effects like the bridges we use every day in our Cities collapsing. But,
Batman: The long term effects are much more serious, Robin.
Robin: Surely, Batman, we as Canadians can’t allow things like this to happen, can we?
Batman: No, Robin. The long term effects are to weaken the social fabric that holds Canada together as one great nation.
By dismantling Federalism we, in reality, are migrating towards a society based more on survival of the fittest and where the gap between the haves and the have-nots widens.
Robin: Holy Clone, Batman, that sounds just like the United States.
Batman: Many think that that is the case, Robin, at least for the current Republican regime lead by George W. Bush.
Robin: What can we do, Batman?
Batman: We’ve got to get our Canada back, Robin, before its too late.
© Lloyd MacIlquham, all rights reserved, 10 December, 2007