16 January, 2011

- Stevo, If You Want to See Where the Jobs Are Created, Follow the Money

Submitted: 8:39 am, PST, 16 Jan.'11 The Toronto Star
Siddiqui: Harper’s temper tantrums costly for Canada, Haroon Siddiqui, Jan 16 2011, The Toronto Star

"When you question Stephen Harper’s foreign policy, he attacks your patriotism. When he makes a mistake, he won’t acknowledge it. When he’s losing a debate, he recasts it as cultural warfare between good and evil, and lashes out at critics with little or no regard for facts.

. . .

If allowing the two U.A.E. airlines would cost Canada “tens of thousands of jobs,” as Ottawa says, it needs to show how and where — and how the job losses would stack up against the new jobs created with the proposed expanded services.

. . .

What we have instead from Harper is petulance and demagoguery that will cost Canada dearly."

Viscous Personal Attacks on Those that Dare to Oppose, Gross Exaggerations, Distortions and Misleadings on Claims to Job Creation, "Petulance and Demagoguery"

Doesn't it just make you proud to say Stephen Harper is Our Prime Minister!

The viscous personal attacks by Harper and the Con's isn't limited to foreign policy, it applies right across the board to everything.

Another of the Harper hype is to say if it goes against him and his policies that it will cost Canada tens of thousands of jobs, hundreds of thousands in the case of the F35's and Harper's 3 pt reduction in corporate taxes.

The common thread uniting all these hyperbolic claims is no cold hard facts to establish their veracity, totally ignoring that not doing it the Harper way would likely make more jobs for Canadians, and without the right wing extremist ideology.

The fact is spending money creates jobs. If it is spent inside Canada it will create jobs for Canadians and if it is spent outside Canada it will create jobs for some other country.

It's just that simple.

So for money flowing out of Canada's coffers the issue is whether the money stays in Canada or carries on its merry way outside Canada.

A commonality of the Harper and Con policies is the amount of money going outside the Canadian economy.

The only thing we are certain of for the $16 billions and counting for the F-35's is it will benefit the US, there is no certainty that Canada will get any contracts at all - a result of Harper's total subservience to the US military-industrial complex and the far-right of the US political spectrum.

The Corporate tax reduction increases profits for the already successful corporations, a very significant percentage of which will be flowing outside Canada through foreign ownership.

Then there are the subsidies to the oil sands corp's that Harper so stubbornly defends - just think how much of that flows outside Canada.

It is just that simple.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html