19 October, 2009

- When are Harper and the Con's going to stop hiding behind the sponsorship scandal and stand up and take responsibility for their actions.

Monday, October 19, 2009 9:11 AM, Don't call the Copps, Norman Spector
Every time Harper and the Cons get caught red handed, they scream 'sponsorship scandal" - as if, everyone in Canada should say, "Oh my God, the sponsorship scandal, I guess what Harper and all his Minister's and other party members are doing must be ok".

If I recall, it was Harper's outrage and promise to do things properly, openly and transparently that got him into power. Well, now that he is in power, Harper is not, in reality, doing things properly or openly or transparently. This is a scandal and given his previous position and promises, hypocritical in the extreme and dishonest in and of itself.

Besides, Harper and the Con's , should not be so modest, they are quite capable of creating their own scandal as Sheila Copps is suggesting.

PS: the link to the Chantal Hébert article only has the front page indicating only that Kelly contacted Anderson's office and they were eager to to help. We are unable to confirm, from this, the rest of the story as relayed by Mr. Spector. However, it strikes me as odd that this is the first time I have heard of this allegation and perhaps, Norman, this is not much more than writers trying to sell their wares.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html